Getting Right with God by Joseph Way

To love something is to value it. In this statement, the author talks about the profound concept of love and its inherent connection to the act of valuing. To truly love something is to hold it in high regard and recognize its worth. Getting Right with God challenges readers to contemplate the profound significance of these intrinsic aspects, inviting them to embark on a journey of self-reflection and introspection. The author explores the profound question of personal belief and the search for meaning.


The author, Joseph Way, explores the significance of the Judeo-Christian God. By shining a light on the historical context, the reader gains insight into the origins of this practice. He highlights the ancient Hebrews’ pivotal role in affirming this divine entity, emphasizing their belief that God’s actions are driven by a profound and selfless love.

Throughout the ages, spanning from the era of Jesus to our present day, many individuals, encompassing both early disciples and authors of the New Testament, have regrettably failed to uphold the fundamental principle of expressing love in a suitable manner.

Readers are encouraged to reflect on its deep implications and connection to religious traditions. Between faith and morality, the author probes into the fundamental principles that guide our relationship with the divine.

This literary work fearlessly confronts the prevailing philosophies of contemporary religious ideologies, urging readers to reevaluate their beliefs. With a bold declaration that our very existence hinges on embracing a love that is both fitting and profound, the book warns of dire consequences should we fail to do so. Through its compelling narrative, the author implores us to reflect on the potential destruction that awaits us, both individually and collectively, should we neglect to embrace this essential principle.

Getting Right With God: Way, Joseph: 9781955944649: Books

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